# ChangeLog for dev-libs/yajl # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/yajl/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2010/05/23 22:31:59 flameeyes Exp $ *yajl-1.0.9-r1 (23 May 2010) 23 May 2010; Diego E. Pettenò +yajl-1.0.9-r1.ebuild, +files/yajl-fix_cmakelists.patch, +files/yajl-fix_tests.patch, +metadata.xml: Initial import in main tree of yajl, needed for yajl-ruby which is in turn optionally used by the new Rails. Assigned to ruby herd for now. Thanks to the Sunrise people for the ebuild. 04 Apr 2010; Tomáš Chvátal yajl-1.0.9.ebuild, +files/yajl-fix_cmakelists.patch, +files/yajl-fix_tests.patch: Fixup yajl cmakelist files. 26 Mar 2010; Ondrej Sukup (mimi_vx) +yajl-9999.ebuild: Add live ebuild. Thx chithead *yajl-1.0.9 (18 Mar 2010) 18 Mar 2010; Ondrej Sukup (mimi_vx) +yajl-1.0.9.ebuild, +metadata.xml: initial commit of yajl , thanks to scarabeus and Tommy[D]