From 3ad2b5db4ec16a3aeb70336268c2d0d29815e362 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexey Shvetsov <>
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 12:31:58 +0000
Subject: [app-emulation/xen-tools] Fix bugs #380343 and #382329

(Portage version: 2.2.0_alpha58/cvs/Linux x86_64)
 .../files/xen-tools-4.1.1-libxl-tap.patch          |  37 ++
 ...n-tools-4.1.1-upstream-23104-1976adbf2b80.patch | 731 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 768 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 app-emulation/xen-tools/files/xen-tools-4.1.1-libxl-tap.patch
 create mode 100644 app-emulation/xen-tools/files/xen-tools-4.1.1-upstream-23104-1976adbf2b80.patch

(limited to 'app-emulation/xen-tools/files')

diff --git a/app-emulation/xen-tools/files/xen-tools-4.1.1-libxl-tap.patch b/app-emulation/xen-tools/files/xen-tools-4.1.1-libxl-tap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ba72c497aa68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/xen-tools/files/xen-tools-4.1.1-libxl-tap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Index: xen-tools-4.1.1/tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c
+--- xen-4.1.1.orig/tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c	Tue Mar 15 10:14:27 2011 +0000
++++ xen-4.1.1/tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c	Tue Mar 15 18:19:47 2011 +0000
+@@ -828,8 +828,29 @@
+         goto out;
+     }
+-    if (nr_disks > 0 && !libxl__blktap_enabled(&gc))
+-        ret = 1;
++    if (nr_disks > 0) {
++        int blktap_enabled = -1;
++        for (i = 0; i < nr_disks; i++) {
++            switch (disks[i].backend) {
++            case DISK_BACKEND_TAP:
++                if (blktap_enabled == -1)
++                    blktap_enabled = libxl__blktap_enabled(&gc);
++                if (!blktap_enabled) {
++                    ret = 1;
++                    goto out;
++                }
++                break;
++            case DISK_BACKEND_QDISK:
++                ret = 1;
++                goto out;
++            case DISK_BACKEND_PHY:
++            case DISK_BACKEND_UNKNOWN:
++                break;
++            }
++        }
++    }
+ out:
+     libxl__free_all(&gc);
diff --git a/app-emulation/xen-tools/files/xen-tools-4.1.1-upstream-23104-1976adbf2b80.patch b/app-emulation/xen-tools/files/xen-tools-4.1.1-upstream-23104-1976adbf2b80.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef511a7db92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/xen-tools/files/xen-tools-4.1.1-upstream-23104-1976adbf2b80.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# User Keir Fraser <>
+# Date 1311171934 -3600
+# Node ID 1976adbf2b807e505fdf0356c29ec0c0499ed533
+# Parent  411b38f8f90bc042a9e6839b6840dd57cbee4a8c
+hvmloader: Switch to absolute addressing for calling hypercall stubs.
+This is clearer and less fragile than trying to make relative calls
+work. In particular, the old approach failed if _start was not
+== HVMLOADER_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS. This was the case for some modern
+toolchains which reorder functions.
+Signed-off-by: Keir Fraser <>
+xen-unstable changeset:   23730:dd5eecf739d1
+xen-unstable date:        Wed Jul 20 15:02:16 2011 +0100
+hvmloader: Remove hard tabs from source files.
+Signed-off-by: Keir Fraser <>
+xen-unstable changeset:   23729:4f1109af9c63
+xen-unstable date:        Wed Jul 20 14:52:16 2011 +0100
+diff -r 411b38f8f90b -r 1976adbf2b80 tools/firmware/hvmloader/hypercall.h
+--- a/tools/firmware/hvmloader/hypercall.h	Wed Jul 20 15:24:09 2011 +0100
++++ b/tools/firmware/hvmloader/hypercall.h	Wed Jul 20 15:25:34 2011 +0100
+@@ -35,147 +35,148 @@
+ #include <xen/xen.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+- * NB. Hypercall address needs to be relative to a linkage symbol for
+- * some version of ld to relocate the relative calls properly.
+- */
+-#define hypercall_pa "_start - " STR(HVMLOADER_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) \
+-                           " + " STR(HYPERCALL_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)
++#define hcall_addr(name)                                                \
++    ((unsigned long)HYPERCALL_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS + __HYPERVISOR_##name * 32)
+-#define _hypercall0(type, name)						\
+-({									\
+-	long __res;							\
+-	asm volatile (							\
+-		"call "hypercall_pa" + " STR(__HYPERVISOR_##name * 32)	\
+-		: "=a" (__res)						\
+-		:							\
+-		: "memory" );						\
+-	(type)__res;							\
++#define _hypercall0(type, name)                 \
++({                                              \
++    long __res;                                 \
++    asm volatile (                              \
++        "call *%%eax"                           \
++        : "=a" (__res)                          \
++        : "0" (hcall_addr(name))                \
++        : "memory" );                           \
++    (type)__res;                                \
+ })
+-#define _hypercall1(type, name, a1)					\
+-({									\
+-	long __res, __ign1;						\
+-	asm volatile (							\
+-		"call "hypercall_pa" + " STR(__HYPERVISOR_##name * 32)	\
+-		: "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1)				\
+-		: "1" ((long)(a1))					\
+-		: "memory" );						\
+-	(type)__res;							\
++#define _hypercall1(type, name, a1)             \
++({                                              \
++    long __res, __ign1;                         \
++    asm volatile (                              \
++        "call *%%eax"                           \
++        : "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1)           \
++        : "0" (hcall_addr(name)),               \
++          "1" ((long)(a1))                      \
++        : "memory" );                           \
++    (type)__res;                                \
+ })
+-#define _hypercall2(type, name, a1, a2)					\
+-({									\
+-	long __res, __ign1, __ign2;					\
+-	asm volatile (							\
+-		"call "hypercall_pa" + " STR(__HYPERVISOR_##name * 32)	\
+-		: "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1), "=c" (__ign2)		\
+-		: "1" ((long)(a1)), "2" ((long)(a2))			\
+-		: "memory" );						\
+-	(type)__res;							\
++#define _hypercall2(type, name, a1, a2)                 \
++({                                                      \
++    long __res, __ign1, __ign2;                         \
++    asm volatile (                                      \
++        "call *%%eax"                                   \
++        : "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1), "=c" (__ign2)    \
++        : "0" (hcall_addr(name)),                       \
++          "1" ((long)(a1)), "2" ((long)(a2))            \
++        : "memory" );                                   \
++    (type)__res;                                        \
+ })
+-#define _hypercall3(type, name, a1, a2, a3)				\
+-({									\
+-	long __res, __ign1, __ign2, __ign3;				\
+-	asm volatile (							\
+-		"call "hypercall_pa" + " STR(__HYPERVISOR_##name * 32)	\
+-		: "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1), "=c" (__ign2),		\
+-		"=d" (__ign3)						\
+-		: "1" ((long)(a1)), "2" ((long)(a2)),			\
+-		"3" ((long)(a3))					\
+-		: "memory" );						\
+-	(type)__res;							\
++#define _hypercall3(type, name, a1, a2, a3)             \
++({                                                      \
++    long __res, __ign1, __ign2, __ign3;                 \
++    asm volatile (                                      \
++        "call *%%eax"                                   \
++        : "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1), "=c" (__ign2),   \
++          "=d" (__ign3)                                 \
++        : "0" (hcall_addr(name)),                       \
++          "1" ((long)(a1)), "2" ((long)(a2)),           \
++          "3" ((long)(a3))                              \
++        : "memory" );                                   \
++    (type)__res;                                        \
+ })
+-#define _hypercall4(type, name, a1, a2, a3, a4)				\
+-({									\
+-	long __res, __ign1, __ign2, __ign3, __ign4;			\
+-	asm volatile (							\
+-		"call "hypercall_pa" + " STR(__HYPERVISOR_##name * 32)	\
+-		: "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1), "=c" (__ign2),		\
+-		"=d" (__ign3), "=S" (__ign4)				\
+-		: "1" ((long)(a1)), "2" ((long)(a2)),			\
+-		"3" ((long)(a3)), "4" ((long)(a4))			\
+-		: "memory" );						\
+-	(type)__res;							\
++#define _hypercall4(type, name, a1, a2, a3, a4)         \
++({                                                      \
++    long __res, __ign1, __ign2, __ign3, __ign4;         \
++    asm volatile (                                      \
++        "call *%%eax"                                   \
++        : "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1), "=c" (__ign2),   \
++          "=d" (__ign3), "=S" (__ign4)                  \
++        : "0" (hcall_addr(name)),                       \
++          "1" ((long)(a1)), "2" ((long)(a2)),           \
++          "3" ((long)(a3)), "4" ((long)(a4))            \
++        : "memory" );                                   \
++    (type)__res;                                        \
+ })
+-#define _hypercall5(type, name, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)			\
+-({									\
+-	long __res, __ign1, __ign2, __ign3, __ign4, __ign5;		\
+-	asm volatile (							\
+-		"call "hypercall_pa" + " STR(__HYPERVISOR_##name * 32)	\
+-		: "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1), "=c" (__ign2),		\
+-		"=d" (__ign3), "=S" (__ign4), "=D" (__ign5)		\
+-		: "1" ((long)(a1)), "2" ((long)(a2)),			\
+-		"3" ((long)(a3)), "4" ((long)(a4)),			\
+-		"5" ((long)(a5))					\
+-		: "memory" );						\
+-	(type)__res;							\
++#define _hypercall5(type, name, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)     \
++({                                                      \
++    long __res, __ign1, __ign2, __ign3, __ign4, __ign5; \
++    asm volatile (                                      \
++        "call *%%eax"                                   \
++        : "=a" (__res), "=b" (__ign1), "=c" (__ign2),   \
++          "=d" (__ign3), "=S" (__ign4), "=D" (__ign5)   \
++        : "0" (hcall_addr(name)),                       \
++          "1" ((long)(a1)), "2" ((long)(a2)),           \
++          "3" ((long)(a3)), "4" ((long)(a4)),           \
++          "5" ((long)(a5))                              \
++        : "memory" );                                   \
++    (type)__res;                                        \
+ })
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_sched_op(
+-	int cmd, void *arg)
++    int cmd, void *arg)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall2(int, sched_op, cmd, arg);
++    return _hypercall2(int, sched_op, cmd, arg);
+ }
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_memory_op(
+-	unsigned int cmd, void *arg)
++    unsigned int cmd, void *arg)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall2(int, memory_op, cmd, arg);
++    return _hypercall2(int, memory_op, cmd, arg);
+ }
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_multicall(
+-	void *call_list, int nr_calls)
++    void *call_list, int nr_calls)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall2(int, multicall, call_list, nr_calls);
++    return _hypercall2(int, multicall, call_list, nr_calls);
+ }
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_event_channel_op(
+-	int cmd, void *arg)
++    int cmd, void *arg)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall2(int, event_channel_op, cmd, arg);
++    return _hypercall2(int, event_channel_op, cmd, arg);
+ }
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_xen_version(
+-	int cmd, void *arg)
++    int cmd, void *arg)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall2(int, xen_version, cmd, arg);
++    return _hypercall2(int, xen_version, cmd, arg);
+ }
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_console_io(
+-	int cmd, int count, char *str)
++    int cmd, int count, char *str)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall3(int, console_io, cmd, count, str);
++    return _hypercall3(int, console_io, cmd, count, str);
+ }
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_vm_assist(
+-	unsigned int cmd, unsigned int type)
++    unsigned int cmd, unsigned int type)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall2(int, vm_assist, cmd, type);
++    return _hypercall2(int, vm_assist, cmd, type);
+ }
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_vcpu_op(
+-	int cmd, int vcpuid, void *extra_args)
++    int cmd, int vcpuid, void *extra_args)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall3(int, vcpu_op, cmd, vcpuid, extra_args);
++    return _hypercall3(int, vcpu_op, cmd, vcpuid, extra_args);
+ }
+ static inline int
+ hypercall_hvm_op(
+-	int cmd, void *arg)
++    int cmd, void *arg)
+ {
+-	return _hypercall2(int, hvm_op, cmd, arg);
++    return _hypercall2(int, hvm_op, cmd, arg);
+ }
+ #endif /* __HVMLOADER_HYPERCALL_H__ */
+diff -r 411b38f8f90b -r 1976adbf2b80 tools/firmware/hvmloader/pci_regs.h
+--- a/tools/firmware/hvmloader/pci_regs.h	Wed Jul 20 15:24:09 2011 +0100
++++ b/tools/firmware/hvmloader/pci_regs.h	Wed Jul 20 15:25:34 2011 +0100
+@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
+ /*
+- *	pci_regs.h
++ * pci_regs.h
+  *
+- *	PCI standard defines
+- *	Copyright 1994, Drew Eckhardt
+- *	Copyright 1997--1999 Martin Mares <>
++ * PCI standard defines
++ * Copyright 1994, Drew Eckhardt
++ * Copyright 1997--1999 Martin Mares <>
+  *
+- *	For more information, please consult the following manuals (look at
+- * for how to get them):
++ * For more information, please consult the following manuals (look at
++ * for how to get them):
+  *
+- *	PCI BIOS Specification
+- *	PCI Local Bus Specification
+- *	PCI to PCI Bridge Specification
+- *	PCI System Design Guide
++ * PCI BIOS Specification
++ * PCI Local Bus Specification
++ * PCI to PCI Bridge Specification
++ * PCI System Design Guide
+  */
+ #ifndef __HVMLOADER_PCI_REGS_H__
+ #define __HVMLOADER_PCI_REGS_H__
+-#define PCI_VENDOR_ID		0x00	/* 16 bits */
+-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID		0x02	/* 16 bits */
+-#define PCI_COMMAND		0x04	/* 16 bits */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_IO		0x1	/* Enable response in I/O space */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY	0x2	/* Enable response in Memory space */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_MASTER	0x4	/* Enable bus mastering */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_SPECIAL	0x8	/* Enable response to special cycles */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_INVALIDATE	0x10	/* Use memory write and invalidate */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_VGA_PALETTE 0x20	/* Enable palette snooping */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_PARITY	0x40	/* Enable parity checking */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_WAIT 	0x80	/* Enable address/data stepping */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_SERR	0x100	/* Enable SERR */
+-#define  PCI_COMMAND_FAST_BACK	0x200	/* Enable back-to-back writes */
++#define PCI_VENDOR_ID  0x00 /* 16 bits */
++#define PCI_DEVICE_ID  0x02 /* 16 bits */
++#define PCI_COMMAND  0x04 /* 16 bits */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_IO  0x1 /* Enable response in I/O space */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY 0x2 /* Enable response in Memory space */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_MASTER 0x4 /* Enable bus mastering */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_SPECIAL 0x8 /* Enable response to special cycles */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_INVALIDATE 0x10 /* Use memory write and invalidate */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_VGA_PALETTE 0x20 /* Enable palette snooping */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_PARITY 0x40 /* Enable parity checking */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_WAIT  0x80 /* Enable address/data stepping */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_SERR 0x100 /* Enable SERR */
++#define  PCI_COMMAND_FAST_BACK 0x200 /* Enable back-to-back writes */
+ #define  PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE 0x400 /* INTx Emulation Disable */
+-#define PCI_STATUS		0x06	/* 16 bits */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST	0x10	/* Support Capability List */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_66MHZ	0x20	/* Support 66 Mhz PCI 2.1 bus */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_UDF		0x40	/* Support User Definable Features [obsolete] */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_FAST_BACK	0x80	/* Accept fast-back to back */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_PARITY	0x100	/* Detected parity error */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_DEVSEL_MASK	0x600	/* DEVSEL timing */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_DEVSEL_FAST		0x000
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_DEVSEL_SLOW		0x400
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_SIG_TARGET_ABORT	0x800 /* Set on target abort */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_REC_TARGET_ABORT	0x1000 /* Master ack of " */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_REC_MASTER_ABORT	0x2000 /* Set on master abort */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_SIG_SYSTEM_ERROR	0x4000 /* Set when we drive SERR */
+-#define  PCI_STATUS_DETECTED_PARITY	0x8000 /* Set on parity error */
++#define PCI_STATUS  0x06 /* 16 bits */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST 0x10 /* Support Capability List */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_66MHZ 0x20 /* Support 66 Mhz PCI 2.1 bus */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_UDF  0x40 /* Support User Definable Features [obsolete] */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_FAST_BACK 0x80 /* Accept fast-back to back */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_PARITY 0x100 /* Detected parity error */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_DEVSEL_MASK 0x600 /* DEVSEL timing */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_DEVSEL_FAST  0x000
++#define  PCI_STATUS_DEVSEL_SLOW  0x400
++#define  PCI_STATUS_SIG_TARGET_ABORT 0x800 /* Set on target abort */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_REC_TARGET_ABORT 0x1000 /* Master ack of " */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_REC_MASTER_ABORT 0x2000 /* Set on master abort */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_SIG_SYSTEM_ERROR 0x4000 /* Set when we drive SERR */
++#define  PCI_STATUS_DETECTED_PARITY 0x8000 /* Set on parity error */
+-#define PCI_CLASS_REVISION	0x08	/* High 24 bits are class, low 8 revision */
+-#define PCI_REVISION_ID		0x08	/* Revision ID */
+-#define PCI_CLASS_PROG		0x09	/* Reg. Level Programming Interface */
+-#define PCI_CLASS_DEVICE	0x0a	/* Device class */
++#define PCI_CLASS_REVISION 0x08 /* High 24 bits are class, low 8 revision */
++#define PCI_REVISION_ID  0x08 /* Revision ID */
++#define PCI_CLASS_PROG  0x09 /* Reg. Level Programming Interface */
++#define PCI_CLASS_DEVICE 0x0a /* Device class */
+-#define PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE	0x0c	/* 8 bits */
+-#define PCI_LATENCY_TIMER	0x0d	/* 8 bits */
+-#define PCI_HEADER_TYPE		0x0e	/* 8 bits */
++#define PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE 0x0c /* 8 bits */
++#define PCI_LATENCY_TIMER 0x0d /* 8 bits */
++#define PCI_HEADER_TYPE  0x0e /* 8 bits */
+-#define PCI_BIST		0x0f	/* 8 bits */
+-#define  PCI_BIST_CODE_MASK	0x0f	/* Return result */
+-#define  PCI_BIST_START		0x40	/* 1 to start BIST, 2 secs or less */
+-#define  PCI_BIST_CAPABLE	0x80	/* 1 if BIST capable */
++#define PCI_BIST  0x0f /* 8 bits */
++#define  PCI_BIST_CODE_MASK 0x0f /* Return result */
++#define  PCI_BIST_START  0x40 /* 1 to start BIST, 2 secs or less */
++#define  PCI_BIST_CAPABLE 0x80 /* 1 if BIST capable */
+ /*
+  * Base addresses specify locations in memory or I/O space.
+@@ -71,38 +71,38 @@
+  * 0xffffffff to the register, and reading it back.  Only
+  * 1 bits are decoded.
+  */
+-#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0	0x10	/* 32 bits */
+-#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1	0x14	/* 32 bits [htype 0,1 only] */
+-#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2	0x18	/* 32 bits [htype 0 only] */
+-#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_3	0x1c	/* 32 bits */
+-#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_4	0x20	/* 32 bits */
+-#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_5	0x24	/* 32 bits */
+-#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE		0x01	/* 0 = memory, 1 = I/O */
+-#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_TYPE_32	0x00	/* 32 bit address */
+-#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_TYPE_1M	0x02	/* Below 1M [obsolete] */
+-#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_TYPE_64	0x04	/* 64 bit address */
+-#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_PREFETCH	0x08	/* prefetchable? */
+-#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK	(~0x0fUL)
+-#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK	(~0x03UL)
++#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 0x10 /* 32 bits */
++#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1 0x14 /* 32 bits [htype 0,1 only] */
++#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2 0x18 /* 32 bits [htype 0 only] */
++#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_3 0x1c /* 32 bits */
++#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_4 0x20 /* 32 bits */
++#define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_5 0x24 /* 32 bits */
++#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE  0x01 /* 0 = memory, 1 = I/O */
++#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_TYPE_32 0x00 /* 32 bit address */
++#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_TYPE_1M 0x02 /* Below 1M [obsolete] */
++#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_TYPE_64 0x04 /* 64 bit address */
++#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_PREFETCH 0x08 /* prefetchable? */
++#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK (~0x0fUL)
++#define  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK (~0x03UL)
+ /* bit 1 is reserved if address_space = 1 */
+ /* Header type 0 (normal devices) */
+-#define PCI_CARDBUS_CIS		0x28
+-#define PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID	0x2e
+-#define PCI_ROM_ADDRESS		0x30	/* Bits 31..11 are address, 10..1 reserved */
+-#define  PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE	0x01
+-#define PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_MASK	(~0x7ffUL)
++#define PCI_CARDBUS_CIS  0x28
++#define PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID 0x2e
++#define PCI_ROM_ADDRESS  0x30 /* Bits 31..11 are address, 10..1 reserved */
++#define  PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE 0x01
++#define PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_MASK (~0x7ffUL)
+-#define PCI_CAPABILITY_LIST	0x34	/* Offset of first capability list entry */
++#define PCI_CAPABILITY_LIST 0x34 /* Offset of first capability list entry */
+ /* 0x35-0x3b are reserved */
+-#define PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE	0x3c	/* 8 bits */
+-#define PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN	0x3d	/* 8 bits */
+-#define PCI_MIN_GNT		0x3e	/* 8 bits */
+-#define PCI_MAX_LAT		0x3f	/* 8 bits */
++#define PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE 0x3c /* 8 bits */
++#define PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN 0x3d /* 8 bits */
++#define PCI_MIN_GNT  0x3e /* 8 bits */
++#define PCI_MAX_LAT  0x3f /* 8 bits */
+ #endif /* __HVMLOADER_PCI_REGS_H__ */
+diff -r 411b38f8f90b -r 1976adbf2b80 tools/firmware/hvmloader/smbios_types.h
+--- a/tools/firmware/hvmloader/smbios_types.h	Wed Jul 20 15:24:09 2011 +0100
++++ b/tools/firmware/hvmloader/smbios_types.h	Wed Jul 20 15:25:34 2011 +0100
+@@ -32,157 +32,157 @@
+    between 0xf0000 and 0xfffff. 
+  */
+ struct smbios_entry_point {
+-	char anchor_string[4];
+-	uint8_t checksum;
+-	uint8_t length;
+-	uint8_t smbios_major_version;
+-	uint8_t smbios_minor_version;
+-	uint16_t max_structure_size;
+-	uint8_t entry_point_revision;
+-	uint8_t formatted_area[5];
+-	char intermediate_anchor_string[5];
+-	uint8_t intermediate_checksum;
+-	uint16_t structure_table_length;
+-	uint32_t structure_table_address;
+-	uint16_t number_of_structures;
+-	uint8_t smbios_bcd_revision;
++    char anchor_string[4];
++    uint8_t checksum;
++    uint8_t length;
++    uint8_t smbios_major_version;
++    uint8_t smbios_minor_version;
++    uint16_t max_structure_size;
++    uint8_t entry_point_revision;
++    uint8_t formatted_area[5];
++    char intermediate_anchor_string[5];
++    uint8_t intermediate_checksum;
++    uint16_t structure_table_length;
++    uint32_t structure_table_address;
++    uint16_t number_of_structures;
++    uint8_t smbios_bcd_revision;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* This goes at the beginning of every SMBIOS structure. */
+ struct smbios_structure_header {
+-	uint8_t type;
+-	uint8_t length;
+-	uint16_t handle;
++    uint8_t type;
++    uint8_t length;
++    uint16_t handle;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 0 - BIOS Information */
+ struct smbios_type_0 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint8_t vendor_str;
+-	uint8_t version_str;
+-	uint16_t starting_address_segment;
+-	uint8_t release_date_str;
+-	uint8_t rom_size; 
+-	uint8_t characteristics[8];
+-	uint8_t characteristics_extension_bytes[2];
+-	uint8_t major_release;
+-	uint8_t minor_release;
+-	uint8_t embedded_controller_major;
+-	uint8_t embedded_controller_minor;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint8_t vendor_str;
++    uint8_t version_str;
++    uint16_t starting_address_segment;
++    uint8_t release_date_str;
++    uint8_t rom_size; 
++    uint8_t characteristics[8];
++    uint8_t characteristics_extension_bytes[2];
++    uint8_t major_release;
++    uint8_t minor_release;
++    uint8_t embedded_controller_major;
++    uint8_t embedded_controller_minor;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 1 - System Information */
+ struct smbios_type_1 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint8_t manufacturer_str;
+-	uint8_t product_name_str;
+-	uint8_t version_str;
+-	uint8_t serial_number_str;
+-	uint8_t uuid[16];
+-	uint8_t wake_up_type;
+-	uint8_t sku_str;
+-	uint8_t family_str;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint8_t manufacturer_str;
++    uint8_t product_name_str;
++    uint8_t version_str;
++    uint8_t serial_number_str;
++    uint8_t uuid[16];
++    uint8_t wake_up_type;
++    uint8_t sku_str;
++    uint8_t family_str;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 3 - System Enclosure */
+ struct smbios_type_3 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint8_t manufacturer_str;
+-	uint8_t type;
+-	uint8_t version_str;
+-	uint8_t serial_number_str;
+-	uint8_t asset_tag_str;
+-	uint8_t boot_up_state;
+-	uint8_t power_supply_state;
+-	uint8_t thermal_state;
+-	uint8_t security_status;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint8_t manufacturer_str;
++    uint8_t type;
++    uint8_t version_str;
++    uint8_t serial_number_str;
++    uint8_t asset_tag_str;
++    uint8_t boot_up_state;
++    uint8_t power_supply_state;
++    uint8_t thermal_state;
++    uint8_t security_status;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 4 - Processor Information */
+ struct smbios_type_4 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint8_t socket_designation_str;
+-	uint8_t processor_type;
+-	uint8_t processor_family;
+-	uint8_t manufacturer_str;
+-	uint32_t cpuid[2];
+-	uint8_t version_str;
+-	uint8_t voltage;
+-	uint16_t external_clock;
+-	uint16_t max_speed;
+-	uint16_t current_speed;
+-	uint8_t status;
+-	uint8_t upgrade;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint8_t socket_designation_str;
++    uint8_t processor_type;
++    uint8_t processor_family;
++    uint8_t manufacturer_str;
++    uint32_t cpuid[2];
++    uint8_t version_str;
++    uint8_t voltage;
++    uint16_t external_clock;
++    uint16_t max_speed;
++    uint16_t current_speed;
++    uint8_t status;
++    uint8_t upgrade;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 11 - OEM Strings */
+ struct smbios_type_11 {
+-   struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-   uint8_t count;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint8_t count;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 16 - Physical Memory Array
+  *   Associated with one type 17 (Memory Device).
+  */
+ struct smbios_type_16 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint8_t location;
+-	uint8_t use;
+-	uint8_t error_correction;
+-	uint32_t maximum_capacity;
+-	uint16_t memory_error_information_handle;
+-	uint16_t number_of_memory_devices;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint8_t location;
++    uint8_t use;
++    uint8_t error_correction;
++    uint32_t maximum_capacity;
++    uint16_t memory_error_information_handle;
++    uint16_t number_of_memory_devices;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 17 - Memory Device 
+  *   Associated with one type 19
+  */
+ struct smbios_type_17 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint16_t physical_memory_array_handle;
+-	uint16_t memory_error_information_handle;
+-	uint16_t total_width;
+-	uint16_t data_width;
+-	uint16_t size;
+-	uint8_t form_factor;
+-	uint8_t device_set;
+-	uint8_t device_locator_str;
+-	uint8_t bank_locator_str;
+-	uint8_t memory_type;
+-	uint16_t type_detail;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint16_t physical_memory_array_handle;
++    uint16_t memory_error_information_handle;
++    uint16_t total_width;
++    uint16_t data_width;
++    uint16_t size;
++    uint8_t form_factor;
++    uint8_t device_set;
++    uint8_t device_locator_str;
++    uint8_t bank_locator_str;
++    uint8_t memory_type;
++    uint16_t type_detail;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 19 - Memory Array Mapped Address */
+ struct smbios_type_19 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint32_t starting_address;
+-	uint32_t ending_address;
+-	uint16_t memory_array_handle;
+-	uint8_t partition_width;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint32_t starting_address;
++    uint32_t ending_address;
++    uint16_t memory_array_handle;
++    uint8_t partition_width;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 20 - Memory Device Mapped Address */
+ struct smbios_type_20 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint32_t starting_address;
+-	uint32_t ending_address;
+-	uint16_t memory_device_handle;
+-	uint16_t memory_array_mapped_address_handle;
+-	uint8_t partition_row_position;
+-	uint8_t interleave_position;
+-	uint8_t interleaved_data_depth;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint32_t starting_address;
++    uint32_t ending_address;
++    uint16_t memory_device_handle;
++    uint16_t memory_array_mapped_address_handle;
++    uint8_t partition_row_position;
++    uint8_t interleave_position;
++    uint8_t interleaved_data_depth;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 32 - System Boot Information */
+ struct smbios_type_32 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
+-	uint8_t reserved[6];
+-	uint8_t boot_status;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    uint8_t reserved[6];
++    uint8_t boot_status;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ /* SMBIOS type 127 -- End-of-table */
+ struct smbios_type_127 {
+-	struct smbios_structure_header header;
++    struct smbios_structure_header header;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ #endif /* SMBIOS_TYPES_H */
+diff -r 411b38f8f90b -r 1976adbf2b80 tools/firmware/hvmloader/util.c
+--- a/tools/firmware/hvmloader/util.c	Wed Jul 20 15:24:09 2011 +0100
++++ b/tools/firmware/hvmloader/util.c	Wed Jul 20 15:25:34 2011 +0100
+@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@
+ int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, uint32_t n)
+ {
+-	uint32_t ctr;
+-	for (ctr = 0; ctr < n; ctr++)
+-		if (s1[ctr] != s2[ctr])
+-			return (int)(s1[ctr] - s2[ctr]);
+-	return 0;
++    uint32_t ctr;
++    for (ctr = 0; ctr < n; ctr++)
++        if (s1[ctr] != s2[ctr])
++            return (int)(s1[ctr] - s2[ctr]);
++    return 0;
+ }
+ void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned n)
cgit v1.2.3-65-gdbad